Tuesday 14 May 2013

Dirty And Reckless Lifestyle Of Billionaire Mike Adenuga’s Prodigal Son Paddy & Why His Sexual Status Remains Controversial

The true sexuality of Paddy Adenuga, like the proverbial Igbo man would say, a pregnant woman can never conceal her pregnancy. Islanders have for long debated heatedly on Paddy’s sexuality with a lot strongly maintaining that he is as gay as the word GAY. So dangerous is the social scenario on the Island that those with huge manhood are an open secret and even the small ones are much listed. Who is top (the man), who is bottom (the woman) and who is versatile (dual roles) are all known. For lack of space and
for explicit clarification purposes, we shall in our next edition make known the true sexuality of Paddy and those that have graced his exotic bed. It is not only an epic expose but investigative on a legendary formation. In fact let us salivate your breath towards our next publication by telling you that Paddy is listed as one of the “small ones”, if you get the drift.
Without doubt Otunba Mike Adenuga Jnr is an avowed polygamist. The multi-billionaire telecoms magnate has many kids from different ladies who at some point in time shared a special relationship with him. Some of his kids are known while some are relatively unknown. Amongst the very known faces is Oyin, his Atlanta-based daughter, Bunmi a.k.a. Bella who is an Executive Director at her father’s telecom firm Globacom, Jide his first son, Paddy who is also a director at his father’s telecoms firm Globacom. There is also Eniola Adenuga the dark-skinned and very young chubby young son of Mike Adenuga who has not only taken to the dangerous route of addictive night clubbing but is also one of the inner caucus members of Tive Ibru’s sex-filled and aphrodisiac taking group of clubbers who call the shots within the Island clubbers forum.

Scandalous as it might sound, this isn’t the story we are dishing today. One young man stands out within the list of Adenuga’s children not because of his brains, intellectual prowess or admirable conduct as a role model but because of his low life sinking attitude with the entire environs of Lagos State. We present to you the story never told before. It is the intimate and very disgusting lifestyle of Paddy Adenuga who also doubles as director of Globacom. Paddy as he is fondly called, first became a household name after he returned to the country years back to join Globacom. A lot of young girls were very elated at his beautiful looks and dreamt of when they were going to find their way into his bosom but unfortunately it’s been a very tortuous wait for these girls as it is more obvious than anything that Paddy is alleged not into girls. Even when he manages to step out with a ‘girlfriend’ it is just to satisfy curious eyes and dowse the outrageously growing topic of discussion about his sexuality.

From the moment he arrived the Globacom scene, Paddy indicated via his very effeminate utterances that he was going to be one hell of a nightmare amongst his contemporaries.

As a publication with a penchant for in-depth investigation; we have had many leads to the nefarious lifestyle of Paddy. But we were of the opinion that it was just a passing phase in the young man’s life and with time and responsibilities thrust on him by his caring father, he is going to change. But from every indication that position seems to be wrong as the Globacom top-shot seems to have gone gaga! Currently on the island, Paddy has a reputation that is unmatchable. His actions and inaction have never been lived by even children of past and present government officials. Many of his acquaintances find his lousy attitude intolerable but pretend to be okay with it. Paddy Adenuga goes about with a convoy of cars and fiery looking bodyguards. His arrival at most hangouts on the Island creates a lot of panic as his team of security details immediately swing into action by chasing people away all in a bid to clear the space for this clueless spoilt brat. Considering the fact that we live in an era where every man’s fundamental human rights must be respected, Paddy’s bodyguards have a ‘matching order’ to deal with anyone who does not give way for Boss. But if you think that his arrival at joints creates a stampede, then hear this: Paddy would walk into most lounges, restaurants and relaxation spots acting like the late global superstar Michael Jackson. He would literally make his way to the VIP or VVIP corner and ask that the whole place be shut down for him and his crew of friends. Then the Champaign popping culture comes alive. Even though he is not much of a drinker, he enjoys seeing his clique of hangers-on drink from his table of generosity. Woe betides you if you refuse to excuse these prodigal children at their VVIP corner.

Not too long ago, a big Lagos/Warri big boy was in one of the exquisite lounges on the Victoria Island axis, drinking and chilling with his close friend when Paddy arrived and gave his usual order; no one comes into the VIP corner again without his consent. Unfortunately for Paddy, the young Warri billionaire was expecting two ladies to join them at their table not too far from Paddy’s own, when the ladies arrived she was initially refused entry, the self-made business tycoon who is believed to be an arms supplier to one of the embattled African countries thought it was a huge joke. He was going to react ferociously but one of the principal partners of this high octane relaxation spot pleaded with him to forgive and forget. Even though the ladies were eventually allowed in, most people having fun that evening within the said joint were of the opinion that Paddy Adenuga has just acquired one more enemy you will never want on your haters list.

To most keen watchers, Paddy Adenuga’s conduct calls for serious consideration. While his father seems to be pre-occupied with how to move the family finances to the next level, his son is out there courting visible and invisible trouble.

The irony of the whole gist is when you run into Paddy in Abuja, it is a different Paddy. He acts like a decent young man and as cool as a harmless puppy. No loud convoy, fiery bodyguards threatening to beat up people and no shutting down of relaxation spots. The question is why is this so? Does it mean that Paddy has a disdain for Lagosians? The answer is simple: while he is above the law in Lagos, Abuja is the seat of power with so many powerful Nigerians everywhere you turn to. Even an ordinary state security agent can mess up his entirety talk less of the federal legislature or top government officials. Even his father, Mike Adenuga would conduct himself well once in the confines of the FCT.

Who would forget during the Obasanjo administration when Mike Adenuga was practically made an object of laughter? The EFCC was strategically sent after him all in a bid to ridicule and victimize the telecoms magnate who is believed to be friends with Obasanjo’s enemies. But he was lucky to have escaped to the UK. He remained in the UK as he vowed never to return to the hostile Nigeria. But how time flies, things have changed and now the federal government is very friendly towards them and Paddy Adenuga has regained his groove.

It is instructive to note that apart from Globacom, there are other telecoms service providers such as MTN, Etisalat, Airtel, Multi-links, Visafone and so on but we never get to see their directors become a thorn in the flesh of innocent citizens all in the name of VVIP treatment. As director of a multi-national firm, certain qualities are expected of one. If the other directors of the various telecoms companies were acting like Paddy, then it would have been a very dangerous scenario. It is Paddy’s attitude that has given rise to the hottest topic on the Island social scene.

Also his garrulous and reckless spending led to the death of one of the subsidiaries of Globacom. The company that is saddled with the printing of the recharge cards of Globacom situated within Oregun Ikeja axis of Lagos died a sudden death just because of the irresponsible and lack of management style of Paddy.

Those who are in the know squeal that Paddy talks to those who are working with him anyhow and he looks down on them as nobody and when some of them especially those who are poached from one of the multinational companies around could not contain all the insults, they throw in the towel and leave Paddy to continue to manage his father’s company but later when the company was going down, the senior Adenuga decided to shut down the company all because of Paddy’s irresponsible act.

However, one of the staff of the company who spoke to us claimed that if not that Otunba is overseeing the day-to-day running of his companies, would have been heard about some of the companies.

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